
If you haven’t installed Fox yet, read up on Installation.

This tutorial will use the Objective-C API of Fox. There is a similar Swift API but that’s currently alpha and subject to change.

Starting with an Example

Throughout this tutorial, we’ll cover the basics of writing property tests. To better understand property tests, let’s start with an example-based one first:

- (void)testSort {
    NSArray *sortedNumbers = [MySorter sortNumbers:@[@5, @2, @1]];
    XCTAssertEqualObjects(sortedNumbers, @[@1, @2, @5]);

This is a simple example test about sorting numbers. Let’s break down parts of this test and see how Fox rebuilds it up:

- (void)testSort {
    // inputs
    NSArray *input = @[@5, @2, @1];
    // behavior to test
    NSArray *sortedNumbers = [MySorter sortNumbers:input];
    // assertion
    XCTAssertEqualObjects(sortedNumbers, @[@1, @2, @5]);

Fox takes these parts and separates them.

  • Inputs are produced using generator. Generators describe the type of data to generate.
  • Behavior to test remains the same.
  • The assertion is based on logical statements of the subject and/or based on the generated inputs. The assertions as usually describe properties of the subject under test.

Let’s see how we can convert them to Fox property tests.

Converting to a Property

To convert the sort test into the given property, we describe the intrinsic property of the code under test.

For sorting, the resulting output should have the smallest elements in the start of the array and every element afterwards should be greater than or equal to the element before it:

- (void)testSortBySmallestNumber {
    id<FOXGenerator> arraysOfIntegers = FOXArray(FOXInteger());
    FOXAssert(FOXForAll(arraysOfIntegers, ^BOOL(NSArray *integers) {
        // subject under test
        NSArray *sortedNumbers = [MySorter sortNumbers:integers];
        // assertion
        NSNumber *previousNumber = nil;
        for (NSNumber *n in sortedNumbers) {
            if (!previousNumber || [previousNumber integerValue] <= [n integerValue]) {
                previousNumber = n;
            } else {
                return NO; // fail
        return YES; // succeed

Let’s break that down:

  • FOXInteger is a generator that describes how to produce random integers (NSNumbers).
  • FOXArray is a generator that describes how to generate arbitrary arrays. It takes another generator as an argument. In this case, we’re giving it an integer generator to produce randomly sized array of random integers.
  • FOXForAll defines a property that should always hold true. It takes two arguments, the generator to produce and a block on how to assert against the given generated input.
  • FOXAssert is how Fox asserts against properties. It will raise an exception if a property does not hold. They’re part of Fox’s runner infrastructure which actually generates all test cases.

The test can be read as:

Assert that for all array of integers named integer, sorting integers should produce sortedNumbers. sortedNumbers is an array where the first number is the smallest and subsequent elements are greater than or equal to the element that preceeds it.

Diagnosing Failures

The interesting feature of Fox occurs only when properties fail. Let’s write code that will fail the property we just wrote:

+ (NSArray *)sortNumbers:(NSArray *)numbers {
    NSMutableArray *sortedNumbers = [[numbers sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)] mutableCopy];
    if (sortedNumbers.count >= 5) {
        id tmp = sortedNumbers[0];
        sortedNumbers[0] = sortedNumbers[1];
        sortedNumbers[1] = tmp;
    return sortedNumbers;

Some nefarious code we added there! We run Fox again to see the magic:

Property failed with: ( 0, 0, 0, 0, "-1" )
Location:   // /Users/jeff/workspace/FoxExample/FoxExampleTests/FoxExampleTests.m:41
  FOXForAll(arraysOfIntegers, ^BOOL(NSArray *integers) {
   NSArray *sortedNumbers = [self sortNumbers:integers];
   NSNumber *previousNumber = ((void *)0);
   for (NSNumber *n in sortedNumbers) {
   if (!previousNumber || [previousNumber integerValue] <= [n integerValue]) {
   previousNumber = n;
   else {
   return __objc_no;
   return __objc_yes;

 seed: 1417500369
 maximum size: 200
 number of tests before failing: 8
 size that failed: 7
 shrink depth: 8
 shrink nodes walked: 52
 value that failed: (
 smallest failing value: (

The first line describes the smallest failing example that failed. It’s placed there for convenience:

Property failed with: ( 0, 0, 0, 0, "-1" )

The rest of the first half of the failure describes the location and property that failed.

The latter half of the failure describes specifics on how the smallest failing example was reached:

  • seed is the random seed that was used to generate the series of tests to run. Along with the maximum size, this can be used to reproduce failures Fox generated.
  • maximum size is the maximum size hint that Fox used when generating tests. This is useful for reproducing test failures when paired with the seed.
  • number of tests before failing describes how many tests were generated before the failing test was generated. Mostly for technical curiosity.
  • size that failed describes the size that was used to generate the original failing test case. The size dicates the general size of the data generated (eg - larger numbers and bigger arrays).
  • shrink depth indicates how many “changes” performed to shrink the original failing test to produce the smallest one. Mostly for technical curiosity.
  • shrink nodes walked indicates how many variations Fox produced to find the smallest failing test. Mostly for technical curiosity.
  • value that failed the original generated value that failed the property. This is before Fox performed any shrinking.
  • smallest failing value the smallest generated value that still fails the property. This is identical to the value on the first line of this failure description.

So what happened? Fox generates random data until a failure occurs. Once a failure occurs, Fox starts the shrinking process. The shrinking behavior is generator-dependent, but generally alters the data towards the “zero” value:

  • For integers, that means moving towards zero.
  • For arrays, each element shrinks as well as the number of elements moves towards zero.

Each time the value shrinks, Fox will verify it against the property to ensure the test still fails. This is a brute-force process of elimination is an effective way to drop irrevelant noise that random data generation typically produces.

Notice that the last element has significance since it failed to shrink all the way to zero like the other elements. Also note that just because a value has been shrunk to zero doesn’t exclude it’s potential significance, but it’s usually less likely to be significant. In this case, the second to last element happens to be significant.


Due to the maximum size configuration. Fox limits the range of random integers generated. Fox’s default maximum size is 200. Observe when you change the failure case to require more than 200 elements for the sort example. See Configuring Test Generation for more information.

If you want a more thorough exercise of the full data range, use the famous value generator variants - FOXFamousInteger.

Testing Stateful APIs

Now this is all well and good for testing purely functional APIs - where the same input produces the same output. What’s more interesting is testing stateful APIs.

Before we start, let’s talk about the conceptual model Fox uses to verify stateful APIs. We can model API calls as data using Fox’s generator system.

As a simple case, let’s test a Queue. We can add and remove objects to it. Removing objects returns the first item in the Queue:

  • [queue add:1]
  • [queue remove] // => returns 1
  • [queue add:2]
  • [queue add:3]
  • [queue remove] // => returns 2
  • [queue remove] // => returns 3

Just generating a series of API calls isn’t enough. Fox needs more information about the API:

  • Which API calls are valid to make at any given point? This is specified in Fox as preconditions.
  • What assertions should be after any API call? This is specified in Fox as postconditions.

This is done by describing a state machine. In basic terms, a state machine is two parts: state and transitions.

State indicates data that persists between transitions. Transitions describe how that state changes over time. Transitions can have prerequisites before allowing them to be used.

For this example, we can model the API as a state machine: with transitions for each unique API call, and its state representing what we think the queue should manage. In this case, we’ll naively choose an array of the queue’s contents as the state.


From there, Fox can generate a sequence of state transitions that conform to the state machine. This allows Fox to generate valid sequences of API calls.

We can translate the diagram into code by configuring a FOXFiniteStateMachine:

- (void)testQueueBehavior {
    // define the state machine with its initial state.
    FOXFiniteStateMachine *stateMachine = [[FOXFiniteStateMachine alloc] initWithInitialModelState:@[]];

    // define the state transition for -[Queue addObject:]
    // we'll only be using randomly generated integers as arguments.
    // note that nextModelState should not mutate the original model state.
    [stateMachine addTransition:[FOXTransition byCallingSelector:@selector(addObject:)
                                                nextModelState:^id(id modelState, id generatedValue) {
                                                    return [modelState arrayByAddingObject:generatedValue];

    // define the state machine for -[Queue removeObject]
    FOXTransition *removeTransition = [FOXTransition byCallingSelector:@selector(removeObject)
                                                        nextModelState:^id(id modelState, id generatedValue) {
                                                            return [modelState subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, [modelState count] - 1)];
    removeTransition.precondition = ^BOOL(id modelState) {
        return [modelState count] > 0;
    removeTransition.postcondition = ^BOOL(id modelState, id previousModelState, id subject, id generatedValue, id returnedObject) {
        // modelState is the state machine's state after following the transition
        // previousModelState is the state machine's state before following the transition
        // subject is the subject under test. You should not provoke any mutation changes here.
        // generatedValue is the value that the removeTransition generated. We're not using this value here.
        // returnedObject is the return value of calling [subject removeObject].
        return [[previousModelState firstObject] isEqual:returnedObject];
    [stateMachine addTransition:removeTransition];

    // generate and execute an arbitrary sequence of API calls
    id<FOXGenerator> executedCommands = FOXExecuteCommands(stateMachine, ^id{
        return [[Queue alloc] init];
    // verify that all the executed commands properly conformed to the state machine.
    FOXAssert(FOXForAll(executedCommands, ^BOOL(NSArray *commands) {
        return FOXExecutedSuccessfully(commands);


If you prefer to not have inlined transition definitions, you can always choose to conform to FOXStateTransition protocol instead of using FOXTransition.

We can now run this to verify the behavior of the queue. This takes more time that the previous example. But Fox’s execution time can be tweak if you want faster feedback versus a more thorough test run. See Configuring Test Generation.

Just to be on the same page, here’s a naive implementation of the queue that passes the property we just wrote:

@interface Queue : NSObject
- (void)addObject:(id)object;
- (id)removeObject;

@interface Queue ()
@property (nonatomic) NSMutableArray *items;

@implementation Queue

- (instancetype)init {
    self = [super init];
    if (self) {
        self.items = [NSMutableArray array];
    return self;

- (void)addObject:(id)object {
    [self.items addObject:object];

- (id)removeObject {
    id object = self.items[0];
    [self.items removeObjectAtIndex:0];
    return object;



Testing a queue with this technique has obvious testing problems (being the test is like the implementation). But for larger integration tests, this can be useful. They just happen to be less to be concise examples.

To break this, let’s modify the queue implementation:

- (void)addObject:(id)object {
    if (![object isEqual:@4]) {
        [self.items addObject:object];

Running the tests again, Fox shows us a similar failure like sort:

Property failed with: @[ [subject addObject:4] -> (null), [subject removeObject] -> (null) (Postcondition FAILED) Exception Raised: *** -[__NSArrayM objectAtIndex:]: index 0 beyond bounds for empty array Model before: ( 4 ) Model after: ( ), ]
Location:   // /Users/jeff/workspace/FoxExample/FoxExampleTests/FoxExampleTests.m:68
FOXForAll(executedCommands, ^BOOL(NSArray *commands) {
return FOXExecutedSuccessfully(commands);

seed: 1417510193
maximum size: 200
number of tests before failing: 13
size that failed: 12
shrink depth: 10
shrink nodes walked: 16
value that failed: @[
[subject addObject:-1] -> (null),
[subject addObject:-8] -> (null),
[subject addObject:4] -> (null),
[subject addObject:12] -> (null),
[subject removeObject] -> -1,
[subject addObject:4] -> (null),
[subject addObject:10] -> (null),
[subject removeObject] -> -8,
[subject removeObject] -> 12 (Postcondition FAILED)
    Model before: (
    Model after: (
smallest failing value: @[
[subject addObject:4] -> (null),
[subject removeObject] -> (null) (Postcondition FAILED)
    Exception Raised: *** -[__NSArrayM objectAtIndex:]: index 0 beyond bounds for empty array
    Model before: (
    Model after: (

Here we can see the original generated test that provoked the failure:

  • [subject addObject:-1]
  • [subject addObject:-8]
  • [subject addObject:4]
  • [subject addObject:12]
  • [subject removeObject] -> -1
  • [subject addObject:4]
  • [subject addObject:10]
  • [subject removeObject] -> -8
  • [subject removeObject] -> 12 (Postcondition FAILED)

That’s not as nice to debug as the test after shrinking:

  • [subject addObject:4]
  • [subject removeObject] -> (null) (Postcondition FAILED) - out of bounds exception raised.

You may be wondering why the removeObject call is still required. This is the only way assertions are made against the queue. Just calling addObject: doesn’t reveal any issues with an implementation.

And that’s most of the power of Fox. You’re ready to start writing property tests! Remember:

“Program testing can at best show the presence of errors, but never their absence.”


If you want read on, continue to the core of Fox’s design: Generators.