
Generators specify directed, random data creation. This means generators know how to create the given data type and how to shrink it. For Objective-C compatibility, generators are only allowed to produce Objective-C objects (id).

All generators conform to the FOXGenerator protocol and are expected to return a lazy rose tree for consumption by the Fox runner.

The power of generators are their composability. Shrinking is provided for free if you compose with Fox’s built-in generators. In fact, most of Fox’s built-in generators are composed on top of FOXChoose. Of course you can provide custom shrinking strategies as needed.

For the typed programming enthusiast, generators are functions expected to conform to this type:

(id<FOXRandom>, uint32_t) -> FOXRoseTree<U> where U is an Objective-C object.

There are few special cases to this rule. For example, FOXAssert expects FOXRoseTree<FOXPropertyResult> which the FORForAll generator satisfies.


For Haskell programmers, Fox is a decendant to Haskell’s QuickCheck 2. Generators are a monadic type which generation is done via the protocol and shrinking is specified by the returned lazy rose tree.

For the list of all generators that Fox provides, read about Built-in Generators.

Building Custom Generators

It’s easy to compose the built-in generators to produce custom generators for any data type. Let’s say we want to generate random permutations of a Person class:

// value object. Implementation assumed
@interface Person : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *firstName;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *lastName;

We can represent this Person data using by generating an array of values or dictionary of values. Here’s how it looks using a dictionary in an property assertion:

id<FOXGenerator> dictionaryGenerator = FOXDictionary(@{
    @"firstName": FOXAlphabeticalString(),
    @"lastName": FOXAlphabeticalString()
FOXAssert(FOXForAll(dictionaryGenerator, ^BOOL(NSDictionary *data) {
    Person *person = [[Person alloc] init];
    person.firstName = data[@"firstName"];
    person.lastName = data[@"lastName"];
    // assert with person

But we want this to be reusable. Using FOXMap, we can create a new generator based on the dictionaryGenerator:

// A new generator that creates random person
id<FOXGenerator> AnyPerson(void) {
    id<FOXGenerator> dictionaryGenerator = FOXDictionary(@{
        @"firstName": FOXAlphabeticalString(),
        @"lastName": FOXAlphabeticalString()
    return FOXMap(dictionaryGenerator, ^id(NSDictionary *data) {
        Person *p = [[Person alloc] init];
        p.firstName = data[@"firstName"];
        p.lastName = data[@"lastName"];
        return p;

And we can use it like any other generator:

FOXAssert(FOXForAll(AnyPerson(), ^BOOL(Person *person) {
    // assert with person

You can see the reference for all the generators. Most common generators can be built from the provided mappers.

How Shrinking Works

Generators are just functions that accept a random number generator and a size hint as arguments and then return a rose tree of values.

Rose trees sound fancy, but they’re generic trees with an arbitrary number of branches. Each node in the tree represents a value. Fox generators create rose trees instead of individual values. This allows the runner to shrink the value by traversing through the children of the tree.

The main shrinking implementation Fox uses are for integers (via FOXChoose). For example, if a 4 was generated, the rose tree that FOXChoose generates would look like this:


The children of each node represents a smaller value that its parent. Fox will walk depth-first through this tree when a test fails to shrink to the smallest value.

Based on the diagram, the algorithm for shrinking integers prefers:

  • Reducing to zero immediately
  • Reducing to 50% of the original value
  • Reducing the value by 1

This makes it more expensive to find larger integers (because of the redundant checking of zero), but it is generally more common to immediately shrink to the smallest value.

Writing Generators with Custom Shrinking


This is significantly more complicated than composing generators, which is what you want the majority of the time. Composing existing generators will also provide shrinking for free.


This section assumes knowledge functional programming concepts. It’s worth reading up on function composition, map/reduce, recursion, and lazy computation.

It is worth reading up on How Shrinking Works if you haven’t already.

Let’s write a custom integer generator that shrinks to 10 instead of zero. We won’t be using anything built on top of FOXChoose for demonstrative purposes, but we will be using Fox’s Debugging Functions.

For the sake of brevity, we’ll ignore the problem of maximum storage of integers, but when writing your generators this matters.

Step one, we can easily always generate 10 by returning a child-less rose tree:

id<FOXGenerator> MyInteger(void) {
    FOXGenerate(^FOXRoseTree *(id<FOXRandom> random, NSUInteger size) {
        return [[FOXRoseTree alloc] initWithValue:@10];

FOXGenerate is an easy way to create a generator without having to create an object that conforms to FOXGenerator. The block is the method body of the one method that the protocol requires.

This is, in fact, what FOXReturn does. However, we don’t get any randomness:

// FOXSample generates 10 random values using the given generator.
FOXSample(MyInteger()); // => @[@3];

So let’s use the random number generator provided. We’ll also use the size to dictate the size we want:

id<FOXGenerator> MyInteger(void) {
    FOXGenerate(^FOXRoseTree *(id<FOXRandom> random, NSUInteger size) {
        NSInteger lower = -((NSInteger)size);
        NSInteger upper = (NSInteger)size;
        NSInteger randomInteger = [random randomIntegerWithinMinimum:lower
        return [[FOXRoseTree alloc] initWithValue:@(randomInteger)];

We now generate random integers! But we still don’t have any shrinking:

// Random integers
// => @[@-30, @103, @188, @-184, @-22, @-118, @147, @-186, @-128, @-68]

// FOXSampleShrinking takes the first 10 values of the rose tree.
// The first value is the generated value. Subsequent values are
// shrinking values from the first one.
FOXSampleShrinking(MyInteger()) // => @[@-8]; there's no shrinking

Let’s add a simple shrinking mechanism, we can populate the children of the rose tree we return:

id<FOXGenerator> MyInteger(void) {
    FOXGenerate(^FOXRoseTree *(id<FOXRandom> random, NSUInteger size) {
        // remember, we don't care about min / max integer boundaries
        // for this example.
        NSInteger lower = -((NSInteger)size);
        NSInteger upper = (NSInteger)size;
        NSInteger randomInteger = [random randomIntegerWithinMinimum:lower
        id<FOXSequence> children = [FOXSequence sequenceFromArray:@[[[FOXRoseTree alloc] initWithValue:@10]]];
        return [[FOXRoseTree alloc] initWithValue:@(randomInteger)
// Shrinking once
FOXSampleShrinking(MyInteger()) // => @[@-8, @10];

Of course, we don’t properly handle shrinking for all variations. FOXSequence is a port of Clojure’s sequence abstraction. They provide opt-in laziness for Fox’s rose tree.

We’ll mimic the behavior of Fox’s integer shrinking algorithm:

  • Shrink to 10.
  • Shrink towards 10 by 50% of its current value.
  • Shrink towards 10 by 1.

We’ll do this by defining functions to recursively create our rose tree:

// sequenceOfHalfIntegers(@14) -> SEQ(@14, @12, @11)
static id<FOXSequence> sequenceOfHalfIntegers(NSNumber *n) {
    if ([n isEqual:@10]) {
        return nil;
    NSNumber *halfN = @(([n integerValue] - 10) / 2 + 10);
    return [FOXSequence sequenceWithObject:n

sequenceOfHalfIntegers creates a sequence of integers that are half increments from n to 10 starting with n. nil is equivalent to an empty sequence. Next we define the children values:

// eg - sequenceOfSmallerIntegers(@14) -> SEQ(@10, @12, @13)
static id<FOXSequence> sequenceOfSmallerIntegers(NSNumber *n) {
    if ([n isEqual:@10]) {
        return nil;
    return [sequenceOfHalfIntegers(n) sequenceByMapping:^id(NSNumber *m) {
        return @([n integerValue] - ([m integerValue] - 10));

sequenceOfSmallerIntegers creates a lazy sequence of values between n and 10 (including 10). Each element is (n - each half number difference to 10). Finally, we need to convert this sequence into a rose tree:

static FOXRoseTree *roseTreeWithInteger(NSNumber *n) {
    id<FOXSequence> smallerIntegers = sequenceOfSmallerIntegers(n);
    id<FOXSequence> children = [smallerIntegers sequenceByMapping:^id(NSNumber *smallerInteger) {
        return roseTreeWithInteger(smallerInteger);
    return [[FOXRoseTree alloc] initWithValue:n children:children];

sequenceOfSmallerIntegers creates a rose tree for a given number. The children are values from sequenceOfSmallerIntegers(n). The rose tree is recursively generated until sequenceOfSmallerIntegers returns an empty sequence (when the number is 10).

Finally, we wire everything together in our function that defines our generator:

id<FOXGenerator> MyInteger(void) {
    FOXGenerate(^FOXRoseTree *(id<FOXRandom> random, NSUInteger size) {
        // remember, we don't care about min / max integer boundaries
        // for this example.
        NSInteger lower = -((NSInteger)size);
        NSInteger upper = (NSInteger)size;
        NSInteger randomInteger = [random randomIntegerWithinMinimum:lower
        return roseTreeWithInteger(@(randomInteger));

Conceptually, our data pipeline looks like this:


Now we can generate values that shrink to 10! Obviously, this can be applied to more interesting shrinking strategies.